On 9th November, 2021 Department of Education, KROS college went for a Field work study on Inclusive Education along with 22 students and 2 lectures, they visited two inclusive schools in Kohima namely, Jo Foundation School and Bumblebee Inclusive School.
The main purpose was to enhance the knowledge of the students about the various types of disabilities among the special needs children and how they cope up with the other students in the class.
They had a time of classroom observation where the students had interaction with some few of the special needs children in both the schools. A short message was also delivered by Mr. Daniel Thong the Proprietor of Jo Foundation, he shared about the need and importance of having empathy towards the special needs children, he also spoke about the different kind of physical, and mental learning disabilities and gave an insight of the inclusive school.
The field trip successfully ended with a potluck in Khonoma Village.