
Sir Chuba

A Steward is a person who is entrusted with the management of another property or affairs. Again, a steward is one who is entrusted with the property of someone else and dispenses the same according to the instruction of the owner.

From the religious point of view or for a Christian, God is the owner and so he/she is the steward of God. Christian stewardship is the practice of systematic and proportionate giving of time, abilities and material possession.Why Time? Because, it is the scarcest of resources. Unless it is managed, nothing else can be managed. We need to treat time with the wisdom it deserves. As such we must make the best possible use of time, use time for the fulfillment of future progress and also for the glory of God.

Why abilities? Because, abilities or natural gifts are given to us by God so that we might serve Him or someone who need you and me. We need to be good stewards of our natural talent. After all God will call us one day to account for the way we utilized our gift or talent.

So let us be a good steward wherever we breath. After all, God is the owner and we are all His steward.

[ Sir Chuba is the teacher in-charge of Student’s welfare. He is also the College representative to Private College Teacher’s Forum.]