KROS College organizes Felicitation Programme for Meritorious Students

            The Alumni Association of KROS College organized Felicitation programme for its Alumni.   The programme was chaired by Ms Katoli Yepthomi of B.A 3rd Semester. Mrs Mimi Suohu Chaplain KROS College invoke God’s blessing followed by welcome note from the Vice Principal Mr. K Hinoca Assumi. Ms. Chongpe presented a special number

           Meanwhile, short speeches were given by Ms. Nubulu Puro and Ms. Cukholu Nienu, the two Awardees who scored 6.32 CGPA and 6.11 CGPA respectively. Mr.Kevisiezolie Suohu Chairman, KROS Education Society, handed over Awards and Prizes to the Awardees, followed by exhortation from him. Mr. Yaopa Konyak Asst.Prof. delivered the vote of thanks.