Along with the rest of the world, KROS College, Kohima observed World Environment Day on 5th June 2012.
Doing our bit to help clean, preserve and conserve the environment, the College undertook a cleanliness drive of the campus. Beside giving a much deserved makeover to the classrooms and offices, students and faculties got their hands and feet muddied weeding, cutting, scything and sweeping the surroundings.
The 2nd and 3rd year of both streams need to be credited for undertaking their responsibility and duty efficiently. Going a step further by making their classrooms more sparkly and bling, the 2nd year Commerce won the best performance award of Rupees 300/- sponsored by Miss.WABANG, Lecturer Deptt. of Education.
Light refreshment and snacks were served to all. Thanks to the generosity of the Principal and KROS Education Society. At the end of the day, tired yet refreshed, everyone felt that it was a day well spent.