KROS College, Kohima is situated at one of the most ancestral land at Lerie known as ZHUDOÜGEI – meaning the place of placing Warrior’s Shield for taking rest after war .
The college is named after Kevisiezolie and Late Rokovino. K stands for Kevisiezolie, RO stands for Late Rokovino and S stands for Suohu. Hence, KROS COLLEGE.
The motto of the College is- “NOT WORD BUT DEED”.
The emblem displays a fully loaded seeds in both hands flowing and spreading the seeds of learning.
A Chapel known as KROS CHAPEL maintained by a full time Chaplain is available to address the spiritual needs of the students.
The vision of the College is to impart holistic quality education to students based on the principles of Christian Faith. It aims to mold students to achieve excellence and equip them with civic and social virtues in order to become responsible citizen of the society. KROS College is open to all irrespective of caste or creed.
May God bless those who come and study in KROS College not only in getting higher education but in all round development by exhibiting their talent to the fullest extent possible thereby conforming the motto
“Not Word But Deed” in the service of the Society and the world at large.