Aide Memoire

Pursenla Jamir

A commendable event is one when someone reaches the unimaginable height of success. For a moment, it spurs us to acknowledge the essence of simplicity in success. At this point we fail to reckon the jilt from stir for we envisage the achiever to have casually bumped into the ‘glory’ of life. The inevitable future then sways us into the convenience of role-play. Such a desire defines the unswerving bent of a gullible mind holding onto an uncompromising chimera.

All the while we are overwhelmed by an indispensable reaction of excitement. This undemanding surge exhilaration, however, had to be bought by elements of sincerity. Time and again, we ardently hope for the triumph of our ambitions but at the same time we duck away the secret of attaining it from our own self in lure of leisure.

This article is a reminder to every youth that ‘the road to success dotted with many tempting parking places’ and that our aspirations should not be anchored at such places. The impetus to work hard, and even harder, must emanate from within us as we look into the achievements of a high- flyer.

This, however, should not be a momentary outburst of inspiration. Every slack has to be tightened in sacrifice for a promising future. We have to be prepared at every step because even ‘chance favours the prepared mind’ only. Most importantly this insight becomes incredible when it merges with our covenant with the Almighty.

[Miss Pursenla Jamir, our English Assistant Professor was a dynamic students leader during her study days in Shillong, NEHU. She has done her B.Ed.]