With the initiative of the Secretary and the ‘green signal’ from the Chairman KES (The banner helped us at check gates and “ARMY CHECKINGS”), a group of 15 men from Lerie-Chazou colony went on ‘Educational tour’ covering a distance of 803 kilometers in six days (02.01.12 to 07.01.12).
The road to Pungro and the road to Shilloi lake were the main focus of the tour.
For some, it was the first time outside the two major districts of the State. For some, they learned how it is to ‘TOUR’. But for all, it was realized that NOBODYS TOO OLD TO LEARN.
Our special ‘THANK YOU’ to Dr.Nikki for the special package. ‘THANK YOU’ Er.Beiu and family for sponsoring our tour programme.
After the river bank campings, Shilloi resort and market shed halts, the tour party came back home with “the knowledge” that when we have so much to see in our own land, why go ‘phirangi’.